Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Enjoying the Winter Backcountry...

Winter in the Inland Northwest is an excellent time to enjoy the backcountry.  Travelers in our area can use this setting to recreate and enjoy a wide array of activities, including but not limited too, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, and telemark skiing.  One of our favorites at SOLE is to track mammals while snowshoeing or skiing -- you'd be amazed at what you can find.  Despite the fun that the winter backcountry setting is we also need to remember this setting has its own set of hazards which need to be respected. 

Backcountry travelers should utilize prior planning to ensure that they know the area they are recreating and have the proper knowledge, skills and equipment to recreate responsibly.  Winter environments can be some of the most enjoyable, but also most threatening if not respected as such. With some effort, learning and mastering winter backcountry skills will allow you to mitigate the risks which exist in this environment.

This winter we will assist our community in exploring how to minimize these risks which, in turn, will allow you to enjoy this great resource!  

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